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姓名 任凯亮 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 传真:
Email: renkailiang@binn.cas.cn 邮编: 101400



任凯亮,男,研究员,博士生导师。2007年获得美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学电子工程系博士学位。2009-2014,先后在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,约翰霍普金斯大学任博士后及助理研究科学家等工作。从2015年起担任中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所研究员。本人在压电聚合物、陶瓷/聚合物纳米复合材料、利用压电聚合物进行可穿戴能量收集材料等领域做出了具有国际影响力的重要研究成果。包括布莱叶盲文驱动器,基于压电聚合物的能量收获器件,以及聚合物纳米纤维传感器等。任凯亮博士在国际著名期刊上,包括Science, Advanced Materials, Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Sustainable Systems, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Transactions等发表论文超过40篇,全部被SCI/EI收录,并有授权美国专利2篇,美国专利申请 1篇,授权中国专利2篇,中国专利申请8篇。任凯亮博士受邀在国际国内会议进行邀请报告20余次。任凯亮的文章被引用次数超过2900余次。另外,任凯亮博士还担任电子元器件关键材料与技术专委会资深委员,天津大学微电子学院校友会常任理事等职务。同时,任凯亮博士还担任国际杂志的审稿人,比如Nature Communications, Nano Energy, Applied Physics Letters, IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE sensors等。




1. 基于压电材料与驻极体材料结合的纳米发电机及自驱动传感系统   

2. 压电材料的挠曲电效应   

3. 压电电卡制冷效应   

4. 压电驱动器在医疗方面的应用



1.2014 Certificate of Appreciation Award, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, MOEMS



1.Shaobo Gong, Bowen Zhang, Jinxi Zhang, Zhong Lin Wang*, Kailiang Ren*, Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid)-based Hybridized Piezoelectric and Electret Nanogenerator for Electronic Skin and Remote Control Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 30, 14, 1908724, 2020.

2.Shaobo Gong, Jinxi Zhang, Chenchen Wang, Kailiang Ren* and Zhong Lin Wang*, A monocharged electret nanogenerator-based self-powered device for pressure and tactile sensor applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 41, 1807618, 2019.

3.C. Zhao, Q. Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Du, Y. Zhang, S. Gong, K. Ren, Q. Sun*, Zhong Lin Wang*,Hybrid piezo/triboelectric nanogenerator for highly efficient and stable rotation energy harvesting, Nano Energy, 57, 440-449, 2019

4.Jinxi Zhang, Shaobo Gong, Chenchen Wang, Zhong Lin Wang,*, and Kailiang Ren*, Biodegradable electrospun poly(lactic acid) nanofibers for effective PM 2.5 removal, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 304, 10, 1900259, 2019.

5.Shuang Qiao, Jihong Liu * Guangsheng Fu, Shufang Wang *, Kailiang Ren *and Caofeng Pan *, Laser-induced photoresistance effect in Si-based vertical standing MoS2 nanoplate heterojunctions for self-powered high performance broadband photodetection, J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 10642-10651, 2019.

6.Shuang Qiao, M. Chen  Y. Wang  J. Liu*  J. Lu  F. Li  G. Fu  S. Wang*  K. Ren, * C. Pan*, Ultrabroadband, Large Sensitivity Position Sensitivity Detector Based on a Bi2Te2.7Se0.3/Si Heterojunction and Its Performance Improvement by Pyro-Phototronic Effect, Adv. Electron. Mater., early review, 2019

7.Aochen Wang, Zhuo Liu, Ming Hu, Chenchen Wang, Xiaodi Zhang, Bojing Shi, Yubo Fan, Yonggang Cui, Zhou Li* and K. Ren*, Piezoelectric nanofibrous scaffolds as in vivo energy harvesters for modifying fibroblast alignment and proliferation in wound healing. Nano Energy, 43, 63-71, 2018.

8.Shuang Qiao, Jihong Liu, X. Niu, Baolai Liang, Guagnsheng Fu, Zhiqinag Li, Shufang Wang; Kailiang Ren*, Caofeng Pan*, Piezo-phototronic effect enhanced photo response of the flexible CIGS heterojunction photodetectors, Advanced Functional Materials, 28,19, 1707311, 2018.

9.Shuang Qiao, Jihong Liu, Guangsheng Fu, Kailiang Ren*, ZhiqiangLi*, Shufang Wang, Caofeng Pan*, ZnO nanowire based CIGS solar cell and its efficiency enhancement by the piezo-phototronic effect, Nano Energy, 49, 508-514, 2018. 

10.Shuang Qiao; Ridong Cong; Jihong Liu; B.L. Liang; G.S. Fu; Wei Yu; K. Ren*, Shufang Wang; Caofeng Pan*, CVD-prepared vertical layered MoS2/Si heterojunction for ultrahigh and ultrafast photo response photodetector, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6, 13, 3233-3239, 2018.

11.Chenchen Wang, Jinxi Zhang, Shaobo Gong, Kailiang Ren*, Significantly enhanced breakdown field for core-shell structured poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)/TiO2 nanocomposites for ultra-high energy density capacitor applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15), 154103, 2018.

12.Jinxi Zhang, Xinyu Du, Chenchen Wang, and Kailiang Ren*, poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) based Blend Film for Ultrahigh Energy Density Capacitor Applications, Journal of Physics D: applied physics,51, 25, 255306, 2018.

13.Shaobo Gong, James E. West, Kailiang Ren*, Monocharged Electret Generator for Wearable Energy Harvesting Applications, Advanced sustainable systems, 2, 5, 1700178, 2018.

14.Chunlin Zhao, Jinxi Zhang, Z.L. Wang, Kailiang Ren*, “A Poly(L-lactic Acid) Polymer-based Thermally Stable Cantilever for Vibration Energy Harvesting Applications”, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 1,1700068, 2017

15.Gengrui Zhao?, Baisheng Huang?, Jianxiong Zhu, Jinxi Zhang, Kailiang Ren* and Z.L. Wang*, “Electrospun Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Nanofibers for Nanogenerator and Diagnostic Sensor Applications”, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 302, 1600476, 2017.

16.Xinyu Du,? Chunlin Zhao, ? Jinxi Zhang, and Kailiang Ren*, “Study of field-induced chain conformation transformation in poly(L-lactic acid) based piezoelectric film by Infrared spectroscopy”,  Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 164101, 2016.

17.Kailiang Ren, Robert S. Bortolin, Q.M. Zhang, “An investigation of a thermally steerable electroactive polymer/shape memory polymer hybrid actuator” Applied Physics Letters, 108, 062901, 2016.

18.K. Ren, J.E. West, S. Michael Yu, “Planar microphone based on piezoelectric electrospun poly( -benzyl-?,L-glutamate) nanofibers”,  the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)-Express Letter, 135 (6), EL291-El297, 2014.

19.K. Ren, J.E. West, Q.M. Zhang, S. Michael Yu, “Piezoelectric Property at Hot Pressed Electrospun PBLG (poly ( -benzyl-L-glutamate) Polymers”, Applied Physics A: Materials Sciences and Processing, 107, 3, 639-646, 2012.

20.D. Farrar, K. Ren, D. Cheng, S. Kim, W. Moon, W. L. Wilson, J.E. West, and S. M. Yu, “Permanent Polarity and Piezoelectricity of Electrospun   -Helical Poly( -amino acid) Fibers” Adv. Mater., 23, 3954, 2011. 

21.K. Ren, P. Kao, M. B. Pisani, and S. Tadigadapa, “Monitoring biochemical reactions using Y-cut quartz thermal sensors”, Analyst, 136, 2904-2911, June 2011.

22.M.B. Pisani, K. Ren, P. Kao, and S. Tadigadapa, “Application of Micromachined Y -Cut-Quartz Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator for Infrared Sensing”, J Microelectromech. S. 20, 1, 288-296, Jan. 2011.

23.K. Ren, S. Liu, M. Lin, Y. Wang, Q.M. Zhang, “A Compact Electroactive Polymer Actuator Suitable for Refreshable Braille Display”, Sensor. Actuat. A-Phys 143, 2, 335-342, 2008.

24.K. Ren, Y. Liu, H. F. Hofmann, Q. M. Zhang, “An Active Energy Harvesting Scheme with An Electroactive Polymers” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 132910, 2007.

25.Y. Wang, K. Ren, and Q. M. Zhang, “Direct Piezoelectric Response of Polyvinylidene Fluoride under High Mechanical Strain and Stress”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 222905, 2007.

26.Q. Chen, K. Ren, B. Chu, Y. Liu, Q.M. Zhang, V. Bobnar and A. Levstik, “Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers-Fundamentals and Applications”, Ferroelectrics 354, 178-191, 2007.

27.B. Neese, Y. Wang, B. Chu, K. Ren, S. Liu, and Q. M. Zhang, “Piezoelectric Responses in Poly(vinylidene fluoride/ hexafluoropropylene) Copolymers ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 242917, 2007.

28.B. Chu, X. Zhou, K. Ren, B. Neese, M. Lin, Q. Wang, F. Bauer, and Q. M. Zhang, “A Dielectric Polymer with High Electric Energy Density and Fast Discharge Speed”, Science 313, 334, 2006.

29.K. Ren, Y. Liu, X. Geng, H. F. Hofmann, Q. M. Zhang, “Single Crystal PMN-PT /Epoxy 1-3 Composite for Energy Harvesting Application”, IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr., 53,3, 631-637, 2006.

30.S. Zhang, B. Neese, K. Ren, B. Chu, and Q.M. Zhang, “Microstructure and Electromechanical Responses in Semicrystalline Ferroelectric Relaxor Polymer Blends”, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 044113, 2006.

31.S. Zhang, R. J. Klein, K. Ren, B. Chu, X. Zhang, J. Runt, Q. M. Zhang, “Normal Ferroelectric to Ferroelectric Relaxor Conversion in Fluorinated Polymers and the Relaxor Dynamics”,  J. Mater. Sci. 41, 271-280, 2006.

32.S. Zhang, B. Chu, B. Neese, K. Ren, X. Zhou, and Q. M. Zhang, “Direct spectroscopic evidence of field-induced solid-state chain conformation transformation in a ferroelectric relaxor polymer”, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 044107, 2006.

33.S. Zhang, B. Neese, K. Ren, B. Chu, F. Xia, T. Xu, S. Tadigadapa, Q. Wang, Q. M. Zhang; F. Bauer, “Relaxor Ferroelectric Polymers, Thin Film Devices, and Ink-Jet Microprinting for Thin Film Device Fabrication”, Ferroelectrics, 342, 1, 1563-5112, 2006. 

34.S. Zhang, N. Zhang, C. Huang, K. Ren, Q.M. Zhang, “Microstructure and Electromechanical Properties of Nanotube/Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene) Composite”, Adv. Mater.17, 1897-1901, 2005.

35.Y. Liu, K. Ren, H. F. Hofmann, Q.M. Zhang, “Investigation of Electrostrictive Polymers for Energy Harvesting” IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. 52, 12, 2411-2417, 2005.

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