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姓名 黄勃龙 性别:
职称 研究员 学历 博士
电话 传真:
Email: bhuang@polyu.edu.hk 邮编: 101400


黄勃龙,男,研究员,剑桥大学博士,目前共发表SCI论文179篇,其中以第一作者/共同第一作者/通讯作者身份发表论文共135篇,H-index35,文章引用次数超过5000, 包括Nature,Science,Chem. Soc. Rev.,Energy Environ. Sci.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Nat. Commun.,Adv. Mater.,Adv. Energy Mater.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Nano Energy等国内外顶级杂志,并多次被选为封面推荐文章。担任 Nano Energy, ACS Catalysis, Joule, J. Mater Chem A, ACS Catal., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy Environ. Sci. 等国际顶级期刊审稿人和中国稀土学报、稀有金属的青年编委。



2.Honorable Speaker for the Inorganic Chemistry Lecture Series  

3.剑桥大学海外优秀留学生奖学金(Cambridge Overseas Trust) 



1. M. Sun, T. Wu, A. W. Dougherty, M. Lam, B. Huang*, Y. Li, C. -H. Yan, ‘Self-validated Machine Learning Study of Graphdiyne-based Dual Atomic Catalyst’, Advanced Energy Materials, 11, 2003796(2021). IF: 25.245

2. M. Sun, Q. Lu, Z. L. Wang*, B. Huang*, ‘Understanding Contact Electrification at Liquid-Solid Interfaces from Surface Electronic Structure’, Nature Communications, 12, 1752 (2021). IF: 12.121

3. H. Xu, C. Shan, X. Wu, M. Sun, B. Huang*, Y. Tang* and C.-H. Yan*, ‘Fabrication of Layered Double Hydroxide Microcapsules Mediated by Cerium Doping Metal-Organic Framework for Boosting Water Splitting’, Energy & Environmental Science, 13, 2949 (2020). IF: 30.289; Hot Article

4. M. Sun, A. W. Dougherty, B. Huang*, Y. Li, C. -H. Yan, ‘Accelerating the atomic catalyst discovery by theoretical calculations-machine learning strategy’, Advanced Energy Materials, 10, 1903949(2020). IF: 25.245

5. D. Peng*, Y. Jiang, B. Huang*, Y. Du, J. Zhao, X. Zhang, R. Ma, S. Golovynskyi, B. Chen, F Wang*, ‘A ZnS/CaZnOS Heterojunction for Efficient Mechanical-to-Optical Energy Conversion by Conduction Band Offset’, Advanced Materials, 32, 1907747 (2020). IF: 27.398

6. X. Zhang, S. Zhang, Y. Yang, L. Wang, Z. Mu, H. Zhu, X. Zhu, H. Xing, H. Xia, B. Huang*, Jing Li*, S. Guo and E. Wang, ‘A General Method for Transition Metal Single Atoms Anchored on Honeycomb-like Nitrogen doped Carbon Nanosheets’, Advanced Materials, 32, 1906905 (2020). IF: 27.398

7. Y. Du, Y. Jiang, T. Sun, J. Zhao, B. Huang*, D. Peng*, and F. Wang*, ‘Mechanically Excited Multicolor Luminescence in Lanthanide Ions’, Advanced Materials, 31, 1807062 (2019). IF: 27.398; Selected as Back Cover and Video Abstract

8. J. Wang, L. Han, B. Huang*, Q. Shao, H. L. Xin, X. Huang*, ‘Amorphization activated ruthenium-tellurium nanorods for efficient water splitting’, Nature Communications, 10, 5692 (2019). IF: 12.121, Selected as “Top 50 Chemistry and Materials Sciences Articles”.

9. M. Sun and B. Huang*, ‘Phonon Evidence of Kohn Anomalies in nanogenerator ZnO’, Nano Energy, 59, 626(2019). IF: 16.602

10. M. Sun, T. Wu, Y. Xue, A. W. Dougherty, B. Huang*, Y. Li and C. -H. Yan, ‘Mapping of Atomic Catalyst on Graphdiyne’, Nano Energy, 62, 754 (2019). IF: 16.602

11. M. Sun#, H. Dong#, A. W. Dougherty, Q. Lu, D. Peng, W. -T. Wong, B. Huang*, L. -D. Sun, C. -H. Yan*, ‘Nanophotonic energy storage in upconversion nanoparticles’, Nano Energy, 56, 473 (2019). IF: 16.602

12. X. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Yang, S. Zhang, H. Zhu, X. Zhu, H. Xing, Y. Zhang, B. Huang*, S. Guo* and E. Wang, ‘Co3O4/Fe0.33Co0.66P Interface Nanowire for Enhancing Water Oxidation Catalysis at High Current Density’, Advanced Materials, 30, 1803551 (2018). IF: 27.398

13. B. Huang*, M. Sun, D. Peng, ‘Intrinsic energy conversions for photon-generation in piezo-phototronic materials: A case study on alkaline niobates’, Nano Energy, 47,150(2018). IF: 16.602

14. B. Huang*, ‘Doping of RE ions in the 2D ZnO layered system to achieve low-dimensional upconverted persistent luminescence based on asymmetric doping in ZnO systems’ Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 12683 (2017). IF: 3.430, Themed Collection: 2017 PCCP HOT Articles

15. B. Huang*, ‘Unravel energy conversion modeling on the intrinsic upconverted persistent luminescence of solids: a native point defect study of antif  errormagnetic Er2O3Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 13564 (2016). IF: 3.430

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